The Fly Museum

The Fly Museum 
Work in Progress


Climate change

At the beginning of this century we realized that climate is changing and much of what has been done is inconsistent with our planet’s dynamics. Sometimes forgotten objects and ancient messages with highly topical value are resurfaced by nature and they have to be revalorized to find again their place in today’s world. The museum of flight was conceived a long ago and is now waiting to become a reality. It is a huge ark rich in creative ideas for the future; it is the place where freedom of thought can be expressed to make it understood that “nothing can be detached in the world” (Leibniz).
The visitor will experience an interactive journey following a three-level itinerary. The dynamic mechanisms of the flight and the technologies developed, the huge hall exhibiting the flying machines that testify the history of the flight from the very first experiments to the latest developments and, last but not least, the opportunity of physically experience the sensation of flying in the flight simulator.

Date and Place:
Work in progress


J. M. Schivo & Associati s.r.l. (Jean Marc Schivo & Lucilla Revelli)

RFR – Paris (Niccolò Baldassini, Kieran Rice)

Environmental engeenering:
RFR éléments – Paris (Benjamin Cimerman)